sobota 27. septembra 2014

September Favourites :)

Hey guys! The end of September is coming so I thought I show you some of my September favourites. I really like watching these kind of videos, but I´m not youtuber (at least not yet) I wrote an article and also added photos :) Please leave a comment below if you liked it and what are your favourites! :)
1. What is fashion design by Gurmin Matharu.
I really like this book because there are lots of photos from fashion shows, also interview with famous fashion designers, photographers, models etc. and also facts about fashion, when did it start, progress...I got that as a gift, but I bet you can find it at a book store or on the internet. (useful sites:,

My second favourite is this Ideas magazine. I got it from South Africa, but you can buy it on the internet too. Its a magazine about décor, food, fashion, style and pretty much everything but I think it´s unique because I haven't seen this kind of magazine before. It contains receipts of every kind, ideas what to decorate at home, tones of cute photos and every copy of it inspired me! 
Let´s get to some makeup :) My absolute favourite (since February I think) is Rimmel London red lipstick 662. Its not that "classic" red colour, it´s more darker and a bit of shiny. And it smells so good! And it only costs a few Euros! (I don't remember)  I recommend it!

Another fave lipstick is from KIKO. It´s colour 914. I wasn't really into dark colours before I found this..It´s not so shiny so it lasts so much longer, min. half day. It costs a few Euros! Great!

My favourite lipbalm is BABY LIPS and its from Maybelline. It moisturizes my lips when they are dry. And it addes a glossy look. It cost me only 3 Euros.

From that time when I started to use darker lips I decided to use light shades on my eyes. I found this cute Pupa doll. It containes eye shades, lip glosses. 

To keep my skin moisturized I use SynCare product "anti-acne". My skin is smooth and not oily.

I don't have a favourite mascara, so if you guys know some great mascara, be sure to let me know!
And for the songs I´ve been recently listening to Safe&Sound by Capital Cities and some Christmas songs (I know I'm weird!)

Thanks for reading ! :) Stay updated for my fashion favourites this week!

sobota 4. januára 2014

Today challenge!

My first challenge in 2014 was this day. I went to my uncle&aunt´s house. They´re such a cool guys. We baked a banana-chocolate cake! It was my first cake in my life. And then we did some girl stuff. My aunt Eva curled my hair, it looked like from a magazine! Huge thanks!

Moja prvá výzva v tomto roku bol dnešok. Navštívila som strýka a tetu. Spulu sme piekli banánovo-čokoládovú tortu, ktorá sa tak stala mojou prvou v živote. Takisto sme si neodpustili nejaké tie čisto babské činnosti - Eva mi natáčala vlasy, ktoré po 15 minútach vyzerali ako z obálok časopisov. Ďakujem!

 If you wonder, what the recipe for this delicious looking cake is, look at
These pretty curls are made with flat iron (Rowenta). It took around 15 min. on 180°C. And you finally see my ombre hair! I used an orange haircolor and because of my dark hair it looks like chestnut as well. I was inspired by my favourite actress Vanessa Hudgens :) 
Eva is pretty good at crochet and she started to make a small ball. She´s my inspiration, so I took crochet to my list of new year´s resolutions! Are you curious as well as I am?